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Audit events

Gain visibility into who did what, when, and where for all user activity on YepCode Platform.

When you and your team mates perform actions over YepCode resources, like for example creating a new process, invoking a webhook or updating a credential, these events are stored. Then, they can be analyzed to see the changes in your data. This feature helps with security because they provide records of all activity, including possible suspicious activity.

All audit generated events are kept although the underline entity could be deleted. For example if some developer creates one process, perform some executions and then removes the process, both process and executions will be removed, but related audit events will be kept, and could be quite useful for forensic tasks.

The possibility to track and see audit events is allowed for some of our paid plans. For teams with one of these plans, the team admins can access the audit events page, in which they can see a table with all audit events.

Each table row can also have a content, depending on the type of the event that was performed. If the audit event has content, then the row will have an arrow to uncollapse the content.

Audit event attributes

For each audit event, we show the following information:

  • User The user who performed the action. For execution events can also appear @webhook or @scheduler, depending on how the execution was launched.
  • IP The IP address of the user.
  • ID The ID of the entity that was affected.
  • Type The type of the entity that was affected.
  • Event The event that was performed.
  • Time The time when the event was performed.

Audit events types

We support the following audit event types:


It represents any change on the process source code, input parameters, readme or process configuration.

The available events are CREATED, UPDATED, DELETED and PUBLISHED.

For source code changes, you have a diff editor to see the changes in a very easy and clear way.


It represents any change on the source code of each module, supporting the CREATED, UPDATED and DELETED events.


It stores information for each started execution.

The user attribute will have the special value of scheduler for this kind of started executions. The same for webhook.


It stores information for each managed credential, supporting events of CREATED, UPDATED and DELETED.


It stores information for each managed team variable, supporting events of CREATED, UPDATED and DELETED.


It stores information for each managed schedule configuration, supporting events of CREATED and DELETED.


Any change on the team configuration will be stored here with the UPDATED event. We also have the INVITATION SENT event to register new member invitations.

Export audit events

You can also export the audit events to a JSON file. For this, you need to click on the export button, at the top rigth of the screen, and the file download will start.